Robot World
The non-verbal documentary ROBOT WORLD depicts the evolution of robots from a mechanical somnambulist to an autonomous sensorium. The neoclassical violinist Matt Howden emphasizes the film’s message: these artificial people are our alternate doubles.
ROBOT WORLD is a compilation. The source material for this one-hour film comes from robot laboratories at universities, from private footage at industrial fairs, military archives and corporate videos from the robot industry. Motion pictures of old 16 mm films from the 1930’s were added. This non-verbal documentary was recycled from far in excess of one hundred hours of raw material.
Matt Howden’s music wraps itself around the film; The violin, often linked to the human voice, is here the voice of the robots: their expression, their functionality, and their aspiration.
Genre: non-verbal documentary
Length: 61 min.
Productin format: Digital Betacam (PAL), 16:9 Widescreen
Director, Editor, Executive Producer: Martin Hans Schmitt
Composer: Matt Howden
Festivals: Festival International Des Programmes Audiovisuels, 2011, Biarritz/France,
Buenos Aires Festival Internacional De Cine Independiente, 2011, Buenos Aires/Argentina,
Festival Internacional De Cine Independiente De Mar Del Plata, 2011, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Blind Robot will premiere in the UK as part of FutureFest on 14th and 15th March 2015 at Vinopolis, London. Read more here

Director Martin Hans Schmitt
Martin Hans Schmitt
Martin Hans Schmitt has completed the University of Television and Film Munich. Since 2003, he produces research and instructional films for the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich. The German filmmaker also produces stereoscopic 3D films and essayistic documentaries.
Robot World at FACT: